Electric Vehicles
TeslaXCanada Sendoff
** Change of Location: Now Mile 0 Monument ** Saturday June 11, 10:30 am
Join Silke, Rolf and Kye at Mile 0 Monument on Saturday, June 11, 10:30 – 11am as they get ready to leave on a 3 month trip across Canada in their Tesla Model X and Camping Trailer. With this trip, Rolf and Silke are planning to raise awareness for electric cars and solar energy. Please join the Victoria EV Club at the Mile 0 Monument and for a 100% electric vehicle convoy from Mile 0 Monument to the Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal.
Convoy to Ferry, 11 am
Once they are happily on their way, you can follow them via TeslaXCanada Blog as well as Facebook Twitter YouTube & Instagram.
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