BC EV Announcement Deferred
BC EV Announcement Deferred
The ministry of transportation has deferred the announcement. Hopefully, because they might need more time to include a more comprehensive package. We are very sorry you have to cancel your travel plans from the Mainland, up-Island as well as the Gulf Islands.
But, all for a good cause and the government must have good reasons to defer the announcement, may I suggest you take that new found time to visit your neighbours and offer them a test ride in your electric car.
Get them to join VEVC’s President’s $100 CASH AWARD certificate program. We will pay you $100 for every friend or neighbour that enrolls. (Terms and conditions apply.) Your friends will be awarded the same.
Hopefully you will not be discouraged by the deferral and join us at a later date as the announcement is only delayed.
Yes, it is true Cash EGO AWARDS