Solar PV Waste – What can we do?
YouTube Video from “Just Have a Think” discussing Solar PV Waste and what can be done to keep it out of the ground.
YouTube Video from “Just Have a Think” discussing Solar PV Waste and what can be done to keep it out of the ground.
Members of the Victoria EV Club will be joining the South Island Prosperity Project next Tuesday (October 16th) from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm at Victoria City Hall’s Centennial Square to support a drive to earn $10 Million to electrify Urban Mobility in the Capital Regional District. The event will showcase EVs, electric buses and other modes of zero-emission transportation…
A special message for all Club Members about the next major EV event in Victoria arrived in our inbox this week. We Hope you’ll all take the time to be part of a very special day. Hi Victoria area EV owners! Come out to DriveElectricVictoria2018! Our annual EV Ride’n’Drive! Sunday, September 9th, at UVic. Parking Lot #10 (enter off Gordon…
Introducing CHEK’s Green Leaf Community Cruiser Ceilidh Millar, Chek News May 3, 2017 WATCH: Watch for CHEK personalities covering community and news events in our Green Leaf Community Cruiser. Ceilidh Millar reports. Watch video here Electric vehicles or EV’s are accelerating into the mainstream across Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. “Vancouver Island does have a very healthy…
Fred Lambert,, February 13, 2017 Electric buses are now cheaper than diesel/CNG and could dominate the market within 10 years, says Proterra CEO Transit vehicles today are mostly powered by gasoline, diesel, and CNG, while batteries only represent about 1% of the market. It is currently a small part of the industry, but it’s also the fastest growing fuel source in…
By Karen Graham 6 hours ago in Environment Digital Journal Fossil fuels will soon be a thing of the past as renewable energy sources are being embraced globally and the technologies behind electric cars, solar and wind power make them less costly to consumers. The coal and oil industries are seriously underestimating the impact the renewable energy industry…
Here’s an electric vehicle that really, truly stinks. While automakers are moving in the direction of more electric cars, several companies are also making efforts to electrify commercial vehicles. The humble garbage truck will be the next to be electrified—which, if nothing else, will eliminate the unpleasant noise from huge diesel trucks that often wake people up in the wee…
By Manfred Wissemann Jim Henshaw and I set out to investigate a very large residential solar system installation near our Victoria airport. Bert Neijmeijer, a VEVC member, gave us a warm welcome and proceeded in covering every detail of his solar system. Below is his report and it was just wonderful to experience his enthusiasm for sustainable energy. His knowledge and detail may…
More climate action planned this fall, federal environment minister says Justin Trudeau introduced a divisive carbon tax plan earlier this month, but Catherine McKenna said further climate change measures will be introduced before Prime Minister meets with premiers in December. October 22, 2016 by Bruce Cheadle, The Canadian Press Catherine McKenna says more federal measures will be rolled out before…
Elon Musk & SolarCity CTO Peter Rive Announce “Solar Roof” (Not “Solar On The Roof”) August 12th, 2016 by Steve Hanley Clean Technica Originally published on SolarLove. Speaking to analysts and investors during the Q2 earnings call for SolarCity on August 9, Elon Musk went into detail about his plans for what he calls the “Solar Roof.” It is not…