“Right To Charge” Write-in Campaign Continues
The Victoria EV Association recently launched a write-in campaign to break down some of the final barriers in BC to electric vehicle ownership.
And the recent public and media response to our July 6 rally at the BC Legislature makes it imperative that current EV owners contact their provincial MLA’s to enact the necessary legislation.
Not only have we made that process quick and easy, but there’s a prize for the best response.
Email write-in for a “Right to Charge” in BC Multi-family Buildings
Right now there is no right to charge legislation for EV owners living Stratas or apartments. Strata Councils , Corporations and landlords can, and do, refuse EV owners access to charging outlets even if they are willing to pay the entire cost.
Attempts to get charging access are more often than not denied without cause and the timelines to try to gain access to electrical outlets in Stratas is measured in terms of years instead of weeks.
Support and help current EV owners and prospective owners to get access to electric charging outlets in their Stratas and other multi-family buildings.
5 minutes will make a big difference for the “Right to Charge”
Via email to your MLA
You can look up the email address for your MLA here:
Search by Postal Code or Community
Dear (your MLA’s name here)
Re: Enabling (at zero taxpayer cost) the charging of electric vehicles in multi-family buildings
In your own words, (the more original and personal the better) state why EV owners should have a right to charge their EV in multi-family buildings and why it is important for BC (e.g. environment, improve health supports BC economy)
Points that you might consider:
- People considering the purchase of an EV need access to home charging in their Strata/Apartment
- Strata Council and Landlords can deny access to charging without cause
- My experience in trying to get EV charging in my building (MURB) was . . . . . .
- People in my building want EV charging but . . . . .
The backgrounder on “Right to Charge” for EV owners is full of information for your information and why this issue is so important to BC Link to the “Right to Charge” Backgrounder
Please cc: your email
MAH.Minister@ gov.bc.ca The Hon. Selina Robinson Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
ENV.Minster@gov.bc.ca The Honorable George Heyman, Minister of Environment & Climate Change Strategies
bcc or cc: ITookAction@victoriaEVclub.com
Via Twitter:
Consider asking friends and family that support EVs to visit the Victoria EV Club website and consider emailing their MLAs asking for support for a right to charge an EV in Stratas and Apartments. #EVChargerAccess
Via Facebook:
Share this campaign post from the Victoria EV Club Facebook page.
As mentioned, the best response will be awarded a 1:18 scale die cast Tesla Model 3.