BC EVs More than Double in One Year!!!

Based on information compiled by the Victoria Electric Vehicle Association (VicEVA). Electric vehicle ownership more than doubled in the period from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020.
The number of fully-electric vehicles in British Columbia rose to 29,385 by March 31, 2020 from 13,727 in March of 2019, an increase of 114%. As of the end of March, there were over 23,750 EVs on the mainland.
For Vancouver Island and the South Gulf Islands, EV ownership increased 98% to 5,613 from 2,842 in March of 2019, with the highest EV ownership being in Saanich (1,291), Oak Bay(460) and the south island rural zones that include Mill Bay and Cowichan (440).
The largest year-over-year increases in EV ownership on the islands occurred in Campbell River (345% to 49), Courtenay (272% to 145) and Comox (233% to 80).
In terms of EV ownership per 1,000 population, Salt Spring Island retained the highest ratio at 21 EVs per 1,000 residents followed by Sidney at 14, and Central Saanich at 13 EVs per 1,000 residents.
“Residents of British Columbia continue to discover the advantages of electric vehicle ownership in terms of the reductions in operating costs and maintenance, smooth and silent operation, and the reduction of CO2 emissions. We particularly congratulate all the new EV owners who have made a personal commitment to reduce CO2 emissions” said David Grove, President of the Victoria Electric Vehicle Association.
“These EV ownership increases underscore the need for improved EV charging access in multiple unit residential buildings such as stratas and apartments through “right to charge rules” and the need to include EV infrastructure in buildings to futureproof them at the time of construction.”
“The exponential EV growth curve is underway” added Grove.