Pender Island 100% Electric Car Show
Victoria LEAF Club
Pender Island EV Awareness Update
Victoria LEAF Club President Manfred Wissemann has suspended all other VLC activities so as to raise awareness of the numerous benefits of electric vehicle ownership, as if sustainable transportation
low cost of maintenance and clean air were not enough, by dedicating an experienced group of hard
working working volunteers to assist with a Third Level Public Awareness Event to be held Saturday, the 23rd of August on Pender Island, the jewel of the prestigious Southern Gulf Islands.
Under the auspices of having a good time, this core group, and any other unsuspecting EV owners including future owners, shall gather at Swatz Bay ferry terminal for the 8:25 sailing no later than 7:25 a.m. None reservable route. Keep a watchful eyes on Orcas and other aquatic wildlife ( kayakers not withstanding ) enroute. Upon arrival of this group shall proceed by EV to the community Hall as to observe the Pender Island Fall Fair Parade in it’s entirety and then on to the actual location of the Public Awareness Event whereas a Bouncing Castle shall be caused to inflate by means of electrically motivated fan(s) powered by a NISSAN LEAF. Red in Colour.
It is anticipated that from that moment forward many other members of the public shall be understandably
amazed that sustainability means of transportation can also serve as an independent source of power in the event of a temporary interruption of the main electrical grid. The VLC group may then be able to respond
to any and all inquiries chief among them expected to be an explanation that All EV’s are capable of noiselessly providing back-up power power and not just Red LEAFs but other colours as well.
A copy of the cessation of activity may be found victorialeafclub.com
* Other sailings are also available and a 10:05 Sailing from Swatz Bay will also allow one to arrive in time for the official start of Pender Island Fair itself.- less viewing the parade commencing at 10:30. Please note
that that for Keeners there will be a 5:50 a.m. sailing ( non -stop )and it is anticipated that at least (1) Leafer, the owner operator of the Royal Bay Bakery (in Colwood ) shall be on it.
Pender Island Event Organizer
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