Victoria e-vehicle enthusiasts shell out to reserve Tesla model 3s
Victoria e-vehicle enthusiasts shell out to reserve Tesla model 3s
Carla Wilson / Times Colonist
April 1, 2016 12:00 PM
Link provided by Jim Henson, VEVC Secretary Treasurer
Victoria’s Jim Hindson and his daughter, Laurie, joined thousands of international enthusiasts this week by happily laying down $1,000 each to reserve Tesla’s new Model 3 electric car.
“Because it’s the future,” Hindson said Friday.
Hindson already owns two fully electric cars and the Model 3 is not in production yet. Still, he’s willing to wait to support the electric vehicles and to get a car able to travel longer distances on one charge and offer faster charging.
The Model 3 is expected to be able to cover 346 kilometres per charge.
Fred Wissemann
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