Victoria Day EV Parade
Victoria Day EV Parade
By Silke Sommerfeld, VEVC Victoria Parade Coordinator, VEVC board member, Blog: TeslaXCanada
Mark your calendar for Monday May 23, Victoria Day Parade!
The Victoria EV Club will be participating in the Victoria Day Parade on May 23rd this year! We will be attending with six electric cars, and there will be a surprise as well, something we will not reveal before May 1st.
We’re all very excited. This will be our second parade after the Santa Light’s Parade last year! We had a blast being part of that event, it was so exciting to see so many spectators, so many kids especially, line the streets. Everybody was high spirits despite the cold.
Now, we hope for warm and gorgeous weather on May 23, so there will be no reason for anybody to stay home. Come out, line the streets, cheer us on, let everybody know how excited we are about our electric cars!
Or better yet, walk with us, be part of the parade, bring your kids and dogs and show your support for sustainable transportation that way. If that’s what you like to do, please confirm your participation in the parade by logging in and leaving a comment on or before April 30. Click on the green LOGIN button below.
Thank you for your support.