VEVC 3rd Annual AGM

VEVC 3rd Annual AGM

The Victoria Electric Vehicle Club held it’s 3rd Annual General Meeting on Saturday October 19th in Metchosin, BC, it’s first AGM outside the City of Victoria.

The well-attended gathering was welcomed by club Vice-President David Grove, who also read a brief statement from club President James Locke, who was representing the VEVC at the Tesla Leaders Summit in Hawthorn, California.

Additional Board members in attendance were Heather Kellington, Glenn Garry, David Kenway and Kira Antinuk. Absent were Arno Keinonen (Travelling on business) and Julian Sale (also attending the Tesla Summit).

Following an approval of previous minutes and the agenda, members received the financial statements of the club (very favorable) and reports from our committees.

Among the highlights from these reports were:

  • A very successful “Plug-In Challenge”, the first all-electric road rally to be held in Canada, and a commitment to repeat the event in the Spring.
  •  A successful 7th Annual ECO-Night attended by 7000 residents of the South Island. 
  •  Club Public outreach that included parades, Canada Day events, multiple car and environmental shows and more than 40 coffee mixers around the Island.
  •  Research on EV Infrastructure and uptake both in BC and nationally.
  •  FOI requests regarding EV Uptake, GHG reduction and zero-emission technologies.
  •  Media outreach which now sees members regularly called to appear on local media outlets when EV issues are in the news.
  •  VEVC became a credited intervenor in the BCUC examination of reselling of electricity to expand EV infrastructure and has been retained to provide ongoing consultation on both this issue.
  • Engaged with MEM&PR to advise on policy and regulation regarding BC’s Zero Emissions Vehicle Standards. VEVC was alone in providing a fulsome set of recommendations and policy alternatives.  
  • Municipally, VEVC has engaged with Saanich Council and Staff as well as the City of Victoria regarding their EV strategies. Both municipalities have passed significant EV policy initiatives as a result.
  • Engaged via Face to Face meetings with BC Sustainable Energy Association, Vancouver EVA, Comox Valley EVA, Electric Mobility Canada including a delegation at its May conference in Quebec City, BC Scrap-It, BC Hydro, Drive Electric Victoria, and the Tesla Leaders Conference in California. 

Club Secretary Glenn Garry, then briefed the assembly on VEVC’s new “Brand and Political Agnosticism” policy regarding talking to media, government, business, and the public at large.

The document basically states that any communication expressed as being from the VEVC would follow this policy. Members were reassured that they may express their personal opinions about anything as they see fit as long as it is not expressed as being from VEVC.

The current Board was acclaimed for the coming year and took recommendations from the assembled members. These included:

  •  Additional information to be resident on the website, including listings of EV incentives as well as upcoming events.
  •  An expanded weekly newsletter.
  •  Further background information to assist in advancing the “Right-to-Charge” program.