VEVC 2nd Annual General Meeting
The VEVC held its Second Annual General Meeting on Saturday, September 29th at the Victoria City Hall Council Antechamber. Chaired by VP David Grove, the club’s board reported to members on the past year’s activities and plans for the months to come.
While the club will continue its governmental lobbying for additional charging stations on the island, building code changes to increase the number of Condo Stratas and Multi-Unit Rental Buildings offering access to EV charging and public outreach, a desire was expressed by the board to further harness the knowledge, skillsets and energy of more individual members to expand our activities.
Director Glenn Garry outlined a plan to structure committees working on specific zero-emission goals, while Director Julian Sale mapped out an EV Rally with prizes for participants that would equalize the strengths and short-comings of different models of EVs, so the driver of virtually any EV could end up finishing first.
Members attending also heard a letter from Club President James Locke, who was on the road after picking up his new Dual Motor Performance Model 3 in Calgary. They were additionally copied with a financial report showing that the club is in a very healthy state and welcomed new Treasurer Heather Kellington.
The meeting also unanimously approved a slate of board nominated members to serve as its officers for the next calendar year.
Members unable to attend will be able to download all the documents submitted to the meeting from a password protected site by simply emailing the club with their membership name.