Two Car Family May Save $80,000 On Gas With Electric Cars
By Manfred Wissemann
Free Coffee and cookies a great hit at our VLC club house, the Royal Bay Bakery today Saturday the 31st, 2014
We extended the cookie offer to any child walking into the bakery. Parents wanted to know what was up and were very eager to accept an electric car test drive offer. The family in the picture are a two car family with gas bills of $600 a month. Shocking! That would be $7200 a year or $72,000 of 10 years of gas savings plus interest and maintenance
The family decided to start with just one electric car getting $300 a month in gas savings. They also want to buy a pre-owned car for about $20,000 saving them enough money to get a brand new electric car free in 10 to 12 years. What would be the return on their investment of $20000 at $ 3,600 return? 18% return. not bad.
Marc the proad owner of an US LEAF was there to explain the difference between the quick charging port and the L2.
David explained how solar charging will provide free fill ups for an other 4 billion years.
Howard and his dear wife wanted to know all about my 8000 Watt solar system. They were upset having to pay $280 a month. They liked the idea of a Hydro meter running backwards, even on cloudy days. I suggested they cover every free spot facing the sun and contact HES to do it. They have room for 10 K.
Hal, a proud blue 2012 MiEV owner needed help on how to get a Greenlots fast charger key. Hal also explained in detail on how his display is to be understood. I think the blue Miev is a very nice colour.
Judith explained on how a monitoring system can track power usage as you turn on systems. I have seen it work at her open house displaying her solar charging system. A BC Hydro Net Metering Solar System. Great stuff.
Harold gave out a sigh of relief, we all know what trouble he had to finely get a charging station in place. Don’t give up if you live in a strata title, fight on to get your charger. Talk to Harold he will help you. :)
Micheal Baxter, stopped by to say Hi. Busy LEAFing visiting friends around the city of Colwood. I think there faces where somewhat green with envy of Micheal’s Nissan LEAF.
Jim, was having fun wearing his beautiful official VLC T shirt ( for sale on this website.) Jim also carried a heavy load of bread home
Our VLC banner was up and we were able to attract much interest. David’s and Gwen’s Royal Bay Bakery was busier than a rail road station. I would like to thank them both for their wonderful hospitality, always having a bright and pleasant smile for every one.