VW launches subsidiary to manage push for electric cars

  Keith Laing, Detroit News Washington Bureau 3:13 p.m. ET Feb. 7, 2017 Washington — Volkswagen AG has launched a new subsidiary to manage the $2 billion it’s required to spend to boost the use of zero-emission and electric vehicles. The requirement is part of the German automaker’s $14.7 billion settlement with U.S. regulators for rigging hundreds of thousands of…

Shell says it will start installing electric vehicle chargers at its gas stations this year

Fred Lambert, Electrek.co, February 1, 2017 In a future where the world’s car fleet is rapidly transitioning to electric vehicles, gas stations will be forcefully downgraded to simple convenience stores and consequently, they will lose a significant revenue stream brought in by people stopping for gas but buying something at the convenience store. Some oil companies have accepted that the…

10 Word Change to Accelerate EV Infrastructure

10 Word By-law Change to Accelerate EV infrastructure A Letter to BC Municipalities Jim Hindson, VEVC Board Member March 4, 2016 In order to increase the adoption rate of electric vehicles and to avoid costly retrofits to buildings and properties in the future, regulatory requirements for off street electric vehicle infrastructure are needed and are being actively sought by progressive municipalities….

Flow Electric Car Chargers

Flow Electric Car Chargers CoRe+ Description of the CoRe+TM Family The smart charging stations of the CoRe+TM family are specially designed for private areas like workplaces, car fleets, and multi-residential buildings. For commercial and industrial use, the CoRe+TM stations are ideal for areas serving, or capable of serving, large amounts of electric vehicles since they offer the possibility of powering the charging stations…