Speed Up EV Adoption In BC
Speed up EV adoption in British Columbia by the example of Norway and California. Norway is the most successful country in the world and here is why:
VLC is embarking on an all out effort to bring Norway’s success to British Columbia. This article is to clarify the basis of that success.
The BC government has been successful in offering an EV incentive grant now depleted. More needs to be done.
Here is a list of incentives that have proven themselves in Norway.
a) A 25% surcharge on all gas cars purchased.
b) No tax or surcharge on any EV purchased.
c) Free parking with free charging stations.
e) Allow the use of bus lanes for 100% electric cars.
The electric car has a 15% marked share in Norway and climbing.
One in about ten cars driving down the road in the city of Bergen has been counted to be electric, less so in rural areas where infrastructure needs to catch up.
More video evidence on how we may follow Norway.
The incentives listed above will lead to more 100% electric car purchases and inevitably to an
improved environment.
The last video is about a parking lot in Norway. What seems to be a gas car driver looking for parking in a fully reserved electric car parking lot with 16 charging stations.
*Feature photo taken by Arno Keinonen in the City of Bergen Norway.