Electric Vehicles
Register And Test Drive Tesla Model ‘S’

Register And Test Drive Tesla Model ‘S’

Location: Empress Hotel

Test Drive Schedule:
January 24: 10am to 5pm
January 25: 10am to 5pm. Evening of Jan 25: Private Tesla Presentation to the Leaf Club. Location and time TBD.
January 26: 10am to 1pm

Test Drives by appointment only.

I would love to give your members first opportunity to get on the schedule, before the invitation goes out to the general public.

Absolutely thrilled for this!

Warmest Regards,
Robin Peterson | Owner Advisor
Tesla Vancouver | 1712 Powell Street | Vancouver, BC V5L 1H7
p 604.255.4427 | m 604.724.8637 | f 604.255.4499 | e ropeterson@teslamotors.com