Netherlands proposes banning gas, diesel car sales by 2025
Netherlands proposes banning gas, diesel car sales by 2025
Author: John Beltz Snyder
Link Provided by: Dumitru Streza, a mechanical engineer at Crofton Mill – Pulp and Paper, who drives daily to work and back from Colwood in his LEAF.
Battery electrics, fuel cells should be the only legal options.
The proposal also pushes the government to ease traffic problems by investing heavily in autonomous vehicles.
In the Netherlands, a group of politicians has proposed the country ban the sale of all new gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles in less than a decade. Holland’s labor party, the Partij van de Arbeid (PvdA), wants to make a complete shift to emissions-free vehicles, and the motion was approved by the Dutch parliament’s lower house, the House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer). Under the proposal, even hybrids and plug-in hybrids would be excluded from sale beginning in 2025. That would leave just battery electric and fuel cell vehicles as the only legal options. In addition to the ban on vehicle emissions, the proposal also pushes the Dutch government to ease the country’s traffic problems by investing heavily in autonomous vehicles.