It’s Time For Some Honest Car Journalism
Those of us with an affection for electric cars are all too familiar with how they are treated by the media. We’re all too used to thumbing through the pages of our local newspaper’s weekly “Driving” section, where the vast majority of articles and reviews extoll the virtues of the latest vehicle with an internal combustion engine.
Each is faster than last year’s model, corners better, burns a little less premium fuel and finally has a way to connect to your iPhone’s music library.
They’re shiny and sleek and growl like a Tiger when they come off the line.
They’re also slowly poisoning everyone around them while tapping another nail into the planet’s coffin.
From the high-budget auto shows on Netflix, Amazon and TSN to the home-made versions on YouTube — from every glossy automotive magazine to your low-grade newsprint local weekly, the message is the same. Electric cars might be faster, quieter and cleaner — but you really want to drive something that relies on fossil fuels.
It’s time for automotive journalists and show runners to truly take stock of what they’re selling and realize they are a major reason the electrification of transport (and the ongoing damage petroleum products do to the Earth and its inhabitants) is not being addressed as urgently and honestly as it should.
Please share the video below with any car reviewer or jalopy journalist you read. Pass it on to the gear-heads of your acquaintance, the guys on social media who promote ICE vehicles and that annoying car salesman who somehow got hold of your phone number.
They all need to change their ways. And the sooner the better.