EV-Saanich-Sooke-Qualicum Beach
EV-Saanich-Sooke-Qualicum Beach
Thank you Jim Hindson, Terrance Berscheid, Lisa Locke, Arno Keinonen, Harold Bird, and a special thanks to Sydney Locke, our youngest electric car advocate, of our special delegation to the “Sooke Emergency Conference” and the Qualicum Beach “Flourishing In A Green Economy”
Sydney’s bright smile in a VLC T-shirt must have convinced many to go electric. :)
Blurred to protect the identity of our soldiers.
Terrance instructing our army and navy force on how quickly to restore power to a field hospital with a nissan LEAF.
The Fire Departments, St. John Ambulance Services, Red Cross and the Emergency Response Teams under our local municipalities were present.
Electricity is one of the top items requested most by the Nepal authorities. Survivors are in make shift shelters and have very little, if anything of use to help them recover.
A Nissan LEAF has been VLC tested to provide power immediately.
A search light that plugs into the cigarette lighter socket will provide 1 million candles of light to
reassure victims help is on the way. An electric blanket will provide life saving heat to a baby.
Hot cup of coffee or a heart warming cup of soup prepared on a small hot plate. A radio to keep in touch with the recovery team. 10 LEAFS providing 200KW/h of usable power to a make shift hospital. Power to a vital communication system. Portable cell towers may be able be moved to strategic locations to cover an effected area. With transportation down, the LEAF may be used to move victim on it’s 8′ platform staffed with paramedics/nurses when regular gas ambulances run out of fuel.
Ferry Doctors and Nurses to GPS guided locations.
You may be on your own for the first 72 hrs. No one seems to be helping the victims in the above picture.
The electric Nissan LEAF and maybe other electric cars can fill in to provide the vital electricity needed in an earth quake or power failure.
Terrance extended an invitation to all VLC Volunteers to have a free lunch. And what a lunch it was: A buffet of everything you might imagine.
A fitting end to a wonderful morning in Sooke. Sorry, you have to wait an other 2 years for the next one. However, we are planing a traditional wild salmon feast hosted by a First Nation. Details not yet to be released. Jim Henshaw will be the Event coordinator. And you know Jim likes to do events on a big scale.
Jim Hindson, Event Coordinator, invited us to an 8 a.m. early breakfast at LEAFTY’S Qualicum Beach.
Arno Keinonen documented an unusual site: ” Only electric cars you say? what a progress!”
The Parksville/Qualicum area citizens showed a great interest in our electric car display. Many are heading down to the dealers to scrap their gas cars for a brand new electric car. With up to $12,000 off
it no longer makes sense to pay for a car when the EV can pay you in savings. Yes, of course Joe
the environment is being saved as well:)
Jim Hindson provided a power point presentation Beautiful video especially prepared for the event.
Congratulation to ” Flourishing in a Green Economy” event team for a job well done.
CPOC organizer Sheri Plummer, Judy Kemp and Volunteers.
Sheri also invited us to an after event dinner party,
Little Qualicum Cheeseworks hosted the event. Home made wine and cheese, great dinner! No expense was spared. Harold’s dog was invited as well.
Last but not least. Thanks you Parksville Beach Club Resort for providing a TESLA and an L2 charging station to our delegation on only three weeks notice. Management responded with incredible speed to accommodate our request. Sun Country Highways made a special effort to get
charging station installed in time for our arrival. Our stay has been very pleasant with special rates for this event.