Electric Avenue at the 2017 Oak Bay Car Show
Lisa Locke, VEVC Editor
August 8, 2017
Last weekend the Victoria Electric Vehicle Club was prominently displayed at the Oak Bay Avenue Collector Car Festival showcasing a broad range of electric vehicles now available. Elgin Street served as “Electric Avenue”, flanked with the flagship Tesla Model S and X, and lined with with the increasing variety of 100% electric models available: Kia Soul EVs, Hyundai Ioniq EV, BMW i3, Nissan LEAF, electric Fiat, VW eGolf.
This event could not have been put on without many so people’s effort and dedication, thank you so much to:
- VEVC Board Member Jim Henshaw, writer, thinker, and a humbly great person, for organizing and coordinating the VEVC’s involvement in this event.
- VEVC Board Member David Grove, Master Baker with Royal Bay Bakery, for providing traffic duty, home-baked sunshine cookies, and conversing all things electric.
- VEVC Board Member Arno Keinonen, net zero home builder extraordinaire, for providing test rides throughout the whole day.
- VEVC President James Locke and Editor Lisa Locke for bringing their EVs and sharing personal experiences and information with everyone.
- Motorize your EV Store, and to our VEVC members for bringing your own personal EVs, introducing the public to electric cars and providing test rides all day!
Thank you to everyone who stopped by to ask questions! If you missed us, we’ll be recreating Electric Avenue at the Esquimalt Cars Rods and Rides Show in September.
If you’re looking for details on the latest specifications for range, price/distance, here is a handy graphic, below. We aimed to have as many different 100% electric models (highlighted) at the show, and I think we succeeded.