BC Hydro Level 3 Charger at Powertec Research Lab
Powertec intends to install several Level 3 chargers in the lower mainland by the fall of 2013. The holdup has to do with property jurisdiction agreements and paperwork and is not limited by fiscal or technical matters.
The Eaton ChaDeMo is said that the supply is 208 volt 150 amps 3 phase.
Very convenient if you need a quick charge crossing the border to the USA. About 30 minutes for a 80% charge at no cost for now. Four L2’s are also available to top your EV up to 100%, open from 9 to 4 p.m.
VLC took this opportunity to investigate the reasons for these testing stations.
As I understand it: Feasibility studies are being undertaken to provide a lower priced tier for late night charging. Further two way flow of energy from and too EV’s is also being tested. Data from the USA, especially from California is being used to evaluate similar systems for BC. Data is being gathered from four different L2 charging systems at Powertec to better understand the charging process.
The cost of the new Surrey station L3: $120,000. Most of the cost was in providing power lines to the quick charger.
Hydro dams are in fact large storage places of power just like batteries. However, there may be thread to hydro damsas global warming and early massive melting of snow caps will create a rush of water and less long term storage.
A massive amount of EV’s will not only create much needed carbon credits, but will also act as a giant resource to stabilize electric power use. Power could be redirected, in an emergency, to where it is most needing.
Powertec has a Solar installation on one of it’s buildings and it seems, solar power will play a part in BC’s future.