BC Electric Vehicle Owners To Attend
BC Electric Vehicle Owners To Attend
Honourable Todd Stone, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, invites Electric Vehicle owners to attend.
Next week, an important announcement in front of the BC Legislature will be made with the news media, members of the legislature and EV owners in attendance.
I am asking all EV owners to consider attending this event to show Canada how far we have come in BC in the adoption of electric vehicles.
As your President, I have been invited to speak following the announcement by the Minister. There will be a group picture taken for the record with all first time EV adopters in attendance. Our children will be proud of our efforts in helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our province.
We will gather in front of the Legislature at 10:30 AM Wednesday November 4th. The Minister will be making an announcement at 11:00 am.
I am calling on you to please consider participating in this event as this will be an historic event for British Columbia. Please email me any questions you might have.
Manfred Wissemann, President
News and Events
Source: Pacific Institude for Climate Solutions (PICS) executive director Tom Pedersen
By: Justin Hunter
B.C. could follow Norway’s electric car model on road to going green
The B.C. government needs a bright new attraction for its aging climate change show. The challenge is to find new ways to encourage consumers to switch from fossil fuels to renewable power. Whether the province adopts a carrot or a stick, it will take something big if the province is to meet its targets to reduce greenhouse gases.
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By : Robyn Meyer, PICS senior communications officer Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions University of Victoria
Could a Norway-style electric vehicle revolution happen in BC?
What lessons can British Columbia learn from the current electric vehicle revolution in Norway? A new report from the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS) says it can be done in BC, and offers advice
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Norway’s electric vehicle revolution: Lessons for British Columbia
Produced by the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS
Author: Leigh Phillips: PICS Science Writer
Editors: Tom Pedersen, Robyn Meyer
Issue § Norway has similar population, mountainous geography & hydroelectric profile to BC § Norway has more than 74,000 electric vehicles on its roads (>30 times the number in BC)—three years ahead of schedule § More than 20% of all new vehicles sold in Norway are 100% electric § Norway’s new goal is 200,000 electric vehicles (7% of total existing vehicle fleet) by 2018
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